Saturday 23 April 2022

Smileband’s support

Dear viewers, 

Smileband like’s to give thanks to everyone that has supported the company, as we have given over £6,500 pound to charities and we continue to address our support to charities across the globe. 

Smileband brings support to charities that help autism that aid support to workers, who have special skills to assist kids with autism. 

Smileband has also helped children with cancer in hospital’s within the U.K. 

Smileband also bring’s support to children in war related countries that aim support through key charities that support these children and people of any kind of nature. 

Smileband brings support to charities that help homeless people in the U.K. 

Smileband also help’s children in key Jamaican villages that need help and support in difficult times. 

Smileband also brings help to the British foundation of the Red Cross. 

Smileband also support HIV in Africa through a charity that is close to Prince Harry. 

Smileband also bring’s help to a water crisis in Africa through key related charities that aim support in that direction. 

Smileband also help’s a charity called black people giving that help children in Nigerian orphanages

Smileband all together support 10 charities that bring supports and we want to exceed our support in the future to other cultures across the globe. 

Smileband wishes to start working on a program that support grass roots football in the U.K. in the future to establish key connections in different fields, as a lot of children have lost that love for the sport of football. 

Thank you to all our viewers and god bless your heart and soul, Smileband send’s our love to people that have past in our director’s family, Andra Stanley, Devon Jhon McLaughlin and Claris McLaughlin who lost there life’s  to COVID 19 in the U.K. last year. 

Please keep track of our news as it’s based on awareness in the U.K. and the world, our hearts go out to Ukraine who have lost family and children as we have charities that we support who are aiming work in Ukraine. 

Smileband Also support the war in palestine through key charities like save the children and action aid. 

Thank you once again smileband.

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Monday 4 April 2022

Smileband news

The Russian army are moving with force as the Ukrainian army are in tight hands due to the high cases of death through out Ukraine. 

The Ukrainian army are fighting with a different strategy, as people are having there hands tied behind there back and then they are shoot in the head point blank. 

Vladimir klitschko has said that this is genocide by the Russian army, as there was 57 Ukrainian body’s found in a church in the city centre.

The is a sorrow epic for the Ukrainian society that hold great fighting history within there blood. 

Zelensky has stated that it has become harder to negotiate with the Russian army, since Kyiv has said that it’s has become aware of the atrocities that has be carried out by the Russian army. 

This has lead to thousands of people being raped and children killed and people tortured, which was addressed in the daily mail as a sad situation which has affected the Ukrainian society. 

Zelensky was greeting people in Bucha, handing out support for the people, showing his support and giving his understanding and support to the people of Ukraine. 

Russia are moving out of control due to putin, who has said that this is fake news and propaganda, as he says it is being staged by the Ukrainian people were this information was addressed on the BBC news today. 

The head of the village ms sukhenko was killed with her husband and son who was all shoot dead, which was sad’ as they was protecting there town. 

The war continues to rampage the Ukrainian hearts that hold fighting sprite within there soul. It’s a call’ for the end of a war that will see no justice for the people in Ukraine.  

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Tuesday 29 March 2022

Smileband news

The war in ukraine is taking a turn for change’ with meetings being held in turkey, this is a key reason to deplete the war which is justified by the Ukrainian people, as the west who control international finances are holding a payment movement situation based on the Russian who have sanctions from the west. 

The humanitarian were million of refugees who are escaping from fear conditions fleeing the Russian nation, there are saying the war won’t end quick. 

Key teams are seeking health care due to injuries and death that has taken place. 

They say putin couldn’t spark another war as a dictator compared to being the new Kremlin leader who has lost his mind. 

They say this might be world war three, fight and decisions have been taken place, as key experts have described this as a war of destruction. 

They say he wants to get rid of the country to honour Russia for feature reference, 

There was 300 people’ who got hit by a missile strike, as this war has been striking for 3 weeks in Mariupol as extended forces have moved in to place based on information from different sources. 

Key Russian members have had there assets seized by EU, U.K. and US counterparts, as Roman abramovich said that he was poisoned from eating a chocolate. 

This is a big subject that causes conflict between rich people and normal people in society today, as people eat in restaurant’s and feel that the hygiene is not clean and end up with a cold or a runny nose or there skin looks different after they eat, as this is classed as being poisoned which causes war or conflict, due to poor hygiene. 

They held talk’s in turkey that was addressed based on the war and it was said in the daily mail that no ceasefire will take place as no members greeted each at the meeting but they are due to talk about a stop to this war. 

This war is over Russia not wanting the Ukrainian people to change the language and Russia don’t want Ukraine to join NATO, as ukraine has plots of oil as well that could be considered as a motive for war, also the protection of the people from the neo nazi Ukrainian leader who is Jewish that was said in the daily mail. 

Article written by Christopher Stanley 

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Monday 16 August 2021

Smileband News

The news has came in that there has been a terror takeover by the Taliban, who have taken over the main city of kabul, as there was five people who had there life taken at the air port, as this has seen a terror attack amount in to a rage of crowds who mobbed the tarmac walls in a rage to escape the country. 

There was people hanging off the plane, as they tried to catch a flight away, through there was other people trying to get away from the terror that was is taking place. 

A military aircraft that had taxied for a take off with international diplomates harbouring them to safety, as hundreds of young men ran along side the plane and a few jumped on to the side of the plane to catch a flight out of Kabul. 

People fell from the plane, as gunfire rattle over the airport, as american troops attempted to keep order as there was several bodies that was lying around the airport complex that had been killed by the fire. 

The Taliban takeover is a unfinished problem for Americans and they feel that this exit should not of taken place as the Taliban are a threat to the world as a whole.

Article Written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Tuesday 27 July 2021

Smileband health

Dear Smileband viewers, 
The health that people suffer is a day to day stress which can lead to all sort of problems that acutely destroy a person life. 

I see people who walk the streets as they can’t function correct, this is due to wear and tear in life' our bones and our body don’t hold the right vitamin’s which is required to bring our bodies back to normal health at a older age, as it’s all structured on a chemical balance that is not normal as we age. 

This is why we have different side affect's to our body as we age.

I came across this new pain relief that bring’s goodness to your internal body function called flarin, as it’s can be brought over the counter at your local pharmacy or Superdrug. 

The heart of the support you guys address to smileband has seen me give money that help others and makes a change in every sort of way. 

People's body struggle" as taking flarin can change your day to day prospective on how you see life, if you suffer from pain please try this product as it would bring a smile to your day to day routine in life.

This product might have possible side affect’s, if you are on any other medication, then please be cautious when taking this product.

This product is not suitable for children under the age of 12 years old, so please be cautious when addressing this product to a person of a younger age, if you do have side affects when taking the product then please consult your doctor’s ASAP. 

Article Written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Thursday 22 July 2021

Smileband News

A death in Brixton took a dramatic turn to which unfolded yesterday last night, as a stunt man had his life taken from him within a blink of a eye, as we have seen yet another stabbing in London, the stunt man was stab to death by key related haters that was aim through a deadly street battle. 

This incident took place when musician rappers was filming a video for there latest rap song, as an investigating has took place based on the rappers being close to were the stabbing took place, the name of the person who was stab was called Shane Jerome.  

This man shame was in his early 20s as he was pronounced dead at the location on Brixton high street at 8.45pm last night. 

Smileband would like to send out its best wishes to Shame Jerome family at this most horrific time.  

There was a good friend of Jerome who posted a message on facebook saying rest in peace due to his life being taken within a blink of a eye. 

Please keep your family aware of theses situation as smileband wants to bring key awareness based on knife crime in London’ as death's are on the rise as we speak, so please acknowledge your loved ones to keep safe on these streets. 

There was a convoy on car's that was taken in to account based around this rap video which was in the process of being filmed at the time, There was a range rover as the driver wore a Balaclava also there was men sitting in the boot of the range rover, there was also a red farrari and a lime green lamborghini and two quad bike's. 

This was when Shame was laying in the middle of the road fighting for his dear life, when the ambulance came instantly within a flash. its was said on the BBC news that the rap video had nothing to do with the stabbing that took place, as its was just a coincident that they was at the location when this stabbing took place.  

Please Keep Safe and try your best to avoid knife crime as two much people are dying in London this year. 

Article Written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Monday 19 July 2021

Smileband News

There is this new web site called Only Fans that has gone viral due to its exposure of young women who sell them self in aid to make money, this is seeing women grow up in a way were they are not subjected to being decent in the correct manner in life. 

This web site bring's danger to women and men because there are men and women who pray on pornographic content, as this can lead to danger of women being stalked by men’ as they hunt women due to this nature’ which has been describe in films like scream. 

There was a 22 year old women who had gone viral and she was revealing her self to her high school teacher who had a strong interested in her due to the nature of her presents, this teacher was attracted to her from the time when she attended school and sent her flirty messages that exposed her to this sort of nature of being a member of Only Fans. 

she was subjected to exposing her self by making nude content for people age 18 years old and upwards that was destressing for people who don't expose them self to this sort of content, who also have kids that will grow up one day. 

This shows that we need to keep our children safe due to the nature of these web site's that highlight the easy way to make money by exposing them self to others in society, as this drives negative understanding for men and women that don't see this suitable for there kids to grow up and make money in this sort of nature.  

This lady is a sexaholic' that like's to show others what good for her self, as she exposes her self to this sort of nature in life' through the site called Only Fans. 

The site Only Fans should be brought in to administration and not conclude further, as it express a career for teenagers to admire from a young age and men from a young age to follow as this is poison to them physiologically which affects there life in a different way. 

Man should be brought up to look after a women and not for a women to take control by exposing her self for the nature of money through sex related material as this subjects a man to look stupid in all different ways, as this can be very damaging to his or her life, if 60 per cent of women act in this sort of manner in life this would be damaging to future kings and queens of our world called our children, as this will only increase as years go on and get worst if Only Fans continue.    

Article Written by Christopher Stanley, pub-4857973572919267, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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Smileband News

Dear smileband viewers  The 'outrageous (G5) geomagnetic states' of last end of the week's sun oriented storm was created by an ...